The family of Overbeeke. Family tree memoirs trip report,, put together through Johan of Overbeeke. Present in the Central desk for Genealogy to the hague. The name comes insofar as known from Zeeland since 1609. Before and afterwards there are yet many known in Flanders. The connection with them is not to be found because of the flight from Flanders about 1580, omreden of belief persecution. The olds of Overbeeke's find we in the Vlaamsche cities Ghent, Bruges, Louvain, Antwerp and short realm and on the countryside around it. Gegevens of the Belgian family of Overbeeke, in the year 1288. Jan, Gentleman of Petegem, let in Petegem the castle of Overbeeke build, that Robert of Bethune, Count of Flanders rose till magnificence then, (or because) he
again repaired according to the acts of the year 1288. Lodewijk its son Jan, Gentleman of Overbeeke, knight, served Dig of Flanders as well in peace as in times of war. Round that reason gave that count at him an interest of 100 golden pounds. (Paris) He had two suns: 1) Jan Gentleman of Overbeeke, council gentleman of Lodewijk (the young) count of Flanders, 1360. Its son Lodewijk of Overbeeke married with a daughter of Jan Tollius, burggraaf (vicomte) of Aalst. 2) Lodewijk of Overbeeke had from the distribution of the Bank the castle short realm. He married with Marie of Landeggen, woman of nine of Trumps. Their son (Rogier?) names self Gentleman of the Bank, knight 1379... That one son Lodewijk, Gentleman of the Bank leads the weapon of Overbeeke. (translated to Brussels
from the original
Belgische branch. (From the French translated.) The ground and magnificence of Overbeeke, lie by the town Petegem, district of the district of Ghent, is voedster been of an old and noble family of that name and be registered in the city Ghent, a Gillis of Overbeeke, which got with young lady Anne Goetgebeure, Jacquis of Overbeeke, that as a woman had young lady Daisy Haegelijnx of a well part family from Flanders. They got Francois and Robert of Overbeeke what appeared from the record of the parchons (kadaster) of Ghent from the year 1491, blz. 105, where are said, that the ground consists of 15 bunders land and different lovely dishes. Master Philips of Overbeeke, council gentleman of the council of Flanders, that as a woman took place miss Josine Sturms, daughter of Aarnout Sturms, Ships and onderbaljuw of Ghent, geboortig from this noble family, from which is Antonie of Overbeeke also originating that is gelieerd with miss Fraccise the Gruijter, daughter of Gijselbracht, that its mentions under the Baljuw's of Ghent in that time on their. They carried the weapon with silver levron (twill) with three black blackbirds.